Monday, February 14, 2011

415 It-Girl Happened One Night

With Russell Thorpe poised for a takeover attempt of Bass Industries, Chuck makes one last-ditch effort to save his family's company. Blair is given a challenging assignment at W Magazine with the promise of a possible promotion. Serena struggles with her feelings for Ben.

Oh Land - We Turn It Up
Daniel May - Drinks On The House
Daniel May - The Speakeasy
Broken Bells - Meyrin Fields
Henry Jackman - Transfiguration
Flying Lotus - Beginners Falafel
Alexi Murdoch - At Your Door
Wages - You
Dan Black - U + Me =



  1. There is a mistake with Transfiguration, it's not the good song.
    this is it :

  2. Thank you for letting me know, I just put up the proper file :)
